Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Example-2: Politics

From a firm, we then discussed about a much bigger scenario. We discussed about the nation overall and the people who run it – the politicians.

Earlier there weren’t many political parties and there wasn’t any need for coalition. That was because people who were aspiring politicians were complacent and didn’t care about setting their own identity. Instead what they tried was to match their own characteristics with the political party they wished to join. This led to very few parties across the nation and strong prevalence of a single brand name across the country. The contestants who got elected were also happy with the workings of the party they joined and didn’t propose much change. They being in a position of power could do a greater good but they neglected that too and stuck to the political party’s ideologies. Due to lack of options, they also stuck to the same party. This also led to retention of members by political parties. In this case, the political party is the organization which offers its product – membership to its customers – aspiring politicians.

Then there is a common man’s perspective. As a citizen of the country and analyzing our political history, it amazes me to see that a single political party (without coalition) was in power for so many consecutive years even when the economy of the country was in a bad state. When I ask the people from that generation as to what may be the reason, the first answer I get is “complacency”. People didn’t want to vote in the first place as they were complacent about the current state of the country and the way things were going. Then amongst the people who voted so as to at least indicate what they felt, didn’t want to risk getting another political party into power due to lack of past record and trust. This again led to them voting for the same party and them winning.

Thus we can see that even the complacency related to the Indian Economy, Political Scenario, etc led to retention of power by the same political party.

Considering the alternate terms of 2 major coalition (political) parties in the country, one might feel that complacency doesn’t exist anymore. But the next post will change this perception too.

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